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School Meals

School meals and catering

Our catering team works hard to serve nutritious fresh food that is enjoyed by both pupils and staff.

We regularly host themed weeks and days such as ‘Food Heroes’ or ‘Destination of the Week’ in which food is showcased from selected regions around the world. These events are promoted within the school.  

We actively encourage pupils to try our meal of the day. This is particularly the case at the start of a new term when new menus are introduced and when new pupils join the Academy. We are proud of our catering provision.

Water is available throughout the day from fountains around school and the canteen.

Both Halal and non Halal options are available and clearly signposted.

Our Lunchtime Service

Lunch menus are on a three week rotation (for our cooked meal and dessert of the day) and can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail below:

Alongside our daily meals we also have each of the following available daily:

  • Sandwiches/baguettes/rolls
  • Salad station
  • Dessert of the day
  • Soup of the day (during winter months only)
  • Pasta/jacket potato station
  • Fruit/yoghurt
  • Juice

Catering Prices

We are a cashless school and use the Arbor system to process payment of meals.

Student accounts will need to be topped up in advance of purchasing a school meal. If you have any issues with your Arbors account, please contact the main office who will direct your query to the correct person.

Meal Deal

The meal deal is priced at £2.40.

Pupils that are eligible for Free School Meals are entitled to the meal deal or food equivalent to the price of £2.40.

All food items are available to purchase individually and prices start from 30p.

Details on Catering Prices and Meal Deal can be found in the buttons below:

Allergen Information

If you have a specific allergy or dietary requirement, please let us know.

We use a wide range of ingredients with many of our products containing various allergens. As such there may be traces of various allergens present across our product range.

Customers who are intolerant or allergic to certain ingredients are advised to request further information from the Cook/Manager prior to purchase.

Our trained Allergy Champion (Cook/Manager) would be pleased to tell you what’s in our food, the steps we take to avoid cross-contamination and help assist you with your choice.