Art and Culture

Museums and Art Galleries

Click on one of the following links to have a virtual tour of a museum or art collection.  

Once you have finished your tour, write a 100 word review of an exhibit, collection or piece of art. Show the review to your form tutor for recognition. 

Oxbridge University Tours

Take a virtual tour of two of the top universities in the World. Explore the different colleges and facilities. 

Once you have finished your tour, write a 100 word review. Show the review to your form tutor for recognition. 

Song Writer of the Year 2021

Calling all musicians! Click on the link here to find out how you can enter into Song Academy’s “Song Writer of the Year 2021” competition. 

Read the entry requirements and submit your entry. If you need any help, please ask Mr Axford for help. 

Go Create Art Activities

Please complete the Go Create Art Activity for the Spring Term and submit to the Art department!